Episode 10 マンハッタン カフェ巡り ( Coffee Below 14th Street )



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First thing in the morning, what’s the most important thing, or ritual, that you do? For me, I grab a bag of freshly roasted coffee and hand grind the beans. Then I make a pour over. The dry fragrance of the freshly ground coffee and the wet aroma of the brewing coffee are, like, proof that humans can be awesome. All the steps it takes for great coffee to get to someone’s home is miraculous if you think about it.  And this intentional start to the day, helps set my mind and mood, and gets me ready for the challenges awaiting me that day.

ritual —- 儀式、日常の習慣的行為        

pour over ~  ~を注ぎ入れる           プアオーバーコーヒー ——-ハンドドリップで淹れるコーヒー

朝、一番最初にする重要なことは? 私の場合は炒りたてのコーヒー豆の入った袋から豆を挽きます。それからハンドドリップで丁寧にコーヒーを淹れます。挽きたての粉コーヒーの乾いた香りとコーヒーを淹れる湿った香りは、例えるなら、人間は偉大だということの証明です。素晴らしいコーヒーが各家庭に届くまでの段階を考えてみるなら、奇跡的なことです。そしてこのように意識して一日を始めることは、私を待ち受けている困難だけれどもやりがいのあるその日一日に対する心構えを築くのを助けてくれるのです。

Welcome to Episode Number 10 of the “New York Breeze” the podcast where you can listen in English and Japanese about life in New York City in easy to digest one-minute soundbites. I’m Chris in New York and my cohost in Japan is Shoko.

And today we are going to do a coffee crawl* below 14th Street.  今日はマンハッタン14丁目より南にあるカフェをまわります。

*  A coffee crawl is the same this as a pub crawl, except with coffee and usually done during the day.

*コーヒークロールはパブクロールと同じことです。違うのはお酒ではなくコーヒーであること、たいていは昼間にまわるということです。( a pub crawl —–  一晩にパブを何軒もまわること、はしご酒  a coffee crawl ——- カフェ巡り )




Starting on the Lower East Side just above Canal Street, kind of in Little Italy near the 6 Train Spring Street stop we can find the HAPPY BONES coffee joint.

This is the newest coffee company on this list, and they are the only ones who don’t roast their own coffee. All of the other stops on this coffee crawl serve their own coffee that they roast themselves. Happy Bones serve coffees roasted by Counter Culture who are headquartered in Durham, North Carolina. What I love about Happy Bones is how their small shop is beautifully designed. And they sure know how to dial in their espresso and their location is great.  Their story goes like this:

start on ~ ~に取り掛かる

Spring Street (IRT Lexington Avenue Line)  地下鉄の駅

キャナルストリートすぐ上のロウアーイーストサイドから始めますよ。地下鉄( レキシントンアヴェニュー線)のスプリングストリート駅6の近くリトルイタリーにあります。今回ご紹介するカフェのうち最も新しく、また、唯一自家焙煎をしないカフェです。他はすべて自家焙煎です。ここはノースカロライナ州、ダーラムに本社を置く会社「カウンターカルチャー」により焙煎されたコーヒーを提供しています。happy bones が良いのは小さな店がきれいにデザインされていることです。エスプレッソの粒度調整も熟知していて、立地条件もすばらしい。

“Our obsession with great coffee comes from growing up in New Zealand, which has had a thriving espresso culture for two decades. We opened our first store in Little Italy as homage to the legacy and traditions of the country that invented espresso. And we’re based in New York because it’s a city that rewards excellence, which is what we strive for in every coffee we serve.”

homage     敬意、オマージュ  strive for ~ ~を求めて努力する(to make a lot of efforts to achieve something)


HAPPY BONES NYC  https://www.happybonesnyc.com/visit/

Best bets: Espresso, drip coffee, barista’s choice




Walk north of Houston Street and over to 649 Broadway, and we find ourselves at Gregorys’ spot in NoHo.  Their tagline is: “See coffee differently.” If you take a look at their logo, you’ll understand why.






NoHo — North of Houston Street 米国ニューヨーク市マンハッタン南部の地域。前衛芸術・ファッションの生み出される所として有名。


Gregorys Coffee opened for business in 2006 but their story goes back some 30 years earlier at a donut shop in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. They say:

“Our team works tirelessly to select coffees for our program and develop roast profiles to bring the absolute best out of each bean.”

tireless 疲れを知らない、不断の


Bensonhurst, Brooklyn 1977年の映画 ’Saturday Night Fever’  で John Travolta が歩いたオープニングシーンが撮影された場所として有名。

It’s true. Gregorys’ pourover bar uses the AeroPress and when done right it produces a really nice cup of coffee. They also have a really refreshing selection of drinks. And here’s where you can try something a bit different, like a glass of Activated Charcoal Mylk or a Beet Root flavored Latte.

Activated Charcoal Mylk
Beet Root Latte


Beetroot —– 日本ではbeets(火焔菜) と言われている赤い色の野菜。アメリカやヨーロッパではビタミンや鉄分、カリウムを多く含むむくみ対策、美肌、血流促進などに効果があるヘルシー野菜として、とても人気があります。

GREGORYS http://www.gregoryscoffee.com/drink
Best bets: Everything in general. Aeropress drinks, or barista’s choice, donuts.




Head up Broadway a few blocks and take a left on 4th Street. The next street over is Mercer. Take a right up Mercer and you’ll hit the original THINK Coffee on 248 Mercer Street. You’ll be steps away from Washington Square Park and in the heart of NYU. If you want to be a laptop camper or get your study group together, then this is the perfect place. Tons of space, free fast WiFi and a huge menu with socially responsible coffee. They even have beer and wine. Your best bet here depends on who’s working bar. If you don’t know the barista then it’s better to order standard items like regular coffee or something simple. Look at what other people are ordering and stick with that. THINK’s roasted coffee is ethically sourced and is a good buy.

ブロードウエイを数ブロック北に向かい、4thストリートを左へ。マーサストリートへでたら右折し、北へ進むと、248番地にシンク・コーヒーの本店があります。ワシントンスクエアパークやニューヨーク大学からも近く、ラップトップを持ち歩いていたり、グループで勉強するならここは最適な場所です。広々としたスペース、WiFi完備で*社会的に責任を負った数多くのメニューがあります。ビールやワインもあります。ここでのお勧めはその日どのバリスタがいるかによって異なります。バリスタを知らないなら、レギュラーコーヒーなどのシンプルなものを注文するのがよいでしょう。他の人が何を注文しているかを見て、それに倣えばよいです。シンクの持ち帰り用焙煎コーヒーは*倫理的な供給元で お勧めです。

☆☆socially responsible ( 社会的に責任を負って )とか ethically sourced( 倫理的な供給元で ) とは産地や生産方法がはっきりしていて、品質が高く安全である。また、発展途上国から適正価格で購入している —— つまり、フェアトレードである ということでしょう。

When you’re done, follow West 4th Street to Washington Square Park and enjoy the walk. From inside the park head through the Washington Square Arch and walk up Fifth Avenue towards Union Square.


THINK COFFEE http://www.thinkcoffee.com/about/
Best bets: Drip coffee, maybe a latte. Watch what other people are ordering and copy that. Bags of roasted coffee.



Joe Coffee Company

To get to JOE from Fifth Avenue, you’ll want to take a right onto 13th Street. Since Fifth Avenue divides the East and West streets in Manhattan, you’ll see that Joe’s coffee shop on 9 East 13th Street straddles the line between East Village and West Village. They’re around the corner from Union Square, and cater to all walks of life, with a lot of students and professors from all the schools in the neighborhood.

straddle  両足を広げる(ふんばる)

all walks of life または people from all walks of life あらゆる職業、階層の人々

People from all walks of life use this product.  あらゆる階層の人達がこの製品を使います。


This is the oldest coffee company on the list. Joe was founded in 2003 and this is their second location. I love Joe’s roasting. I think their coffee consistently tastes just about the best. I think Joe has the best value for roasted coffee in NYC.

When I was in grad school, I used to visit this shop every day, and I’m so happy that they have stayed in the game, continued to grow and evolve with the industry. I love their roasts. But they only offer pour over during the slow hours later in the day. Their espresso drinks and cold brew are consistently delicious, but their batch-brewed drip coffee I have sometimes found to be hit-or-miss.

stay in the game  活動を続ける、競争力を持ち続ける


バッチブリュー —— プロユースのコーヒーメーカーで作るブラックコーヒー

I have a funny little story. More recently, one time I came in here and I ordered by saying, “Can I get a regular cup of joe.” I waited for a long time, wondering why they didn’t just fill the cup and hand it to me like they always do. Finally they called my name and I got a cappuccino. “Cup o’ joe” — “Cappuccino.” I sipped it, and debated whether I should say anything, but I really wasn’t in the mood for all that milk in my coffee. When the line died down for a second, I said to the  girls working at the counter that I wanted a “regular drip coffee” They were cool about it. They refunded me the difference but I gave it to the barista as a tip.

refund —– 払戻す

(  “Can I get a regular cup of joe.”  と注文したのに、“Cup o’ joe” を“Cappuccino” と聞き間違えられた最近のエピソード)

JOE COFFEE http://www.joenewyork.com/about/

Best bets: Espresso drinks, cold brew, pour over after 3pm, bags of roasted coffee




Birch Coffee

By now you’re getting pretty caffeinated and catching up to a normal New Yorker. A lot of us drink six of seven cups of coffee a day.


Walk about 2 blocks west along 13th Street and you’ll find BIRCH Coffee’s West Village location at 56 Seventh Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets.

13th ストリートを西へ2ブロックほど歩くとウエストヴィレッジのBIRCHに到着です。住所は56 Seventh Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets (New York 10011) です。

Birch puts the capital ‘H’ in hospitality. Their catchphrase is “Birch Loves You,” which is really heartfelt and welcoming. They really want their cafes to be a place for strangers to connect and for their customers to become regulars. For this reason they don’t offer WiFi but some locations do offer beer as well as coffee. They serve excellent espresso drinks and their cold brew is just about my favorite too. What’s better is their concentrated Kyoto-style drip chilled coffee. It’s made in small batches and they don’t always have it. They roast in Long Island City, and they put a lot of pride and effort into ethical sourcing and roasting locally.

heartfelt —- 心のこもった( very strongly felt and sincere ) 


BIRCH COFFEE https://www.birchcoffee.com

Best bets: Espresso drinks, drip coffee, bags of roasted coffee



Toby’s Estate’s West Village Cafe

Walk downtown along Seventh Avenue and just past Greenwich Avenue where all the streets seems to be colliding into each other, you’ll find Toby’s Estate’s West Village Cafe and Brew Parlor housed within a landmark 1920’s artist studio on the corner of 7th Ave and Charles St.  Look for the bench outside. Great for people watching, they have delicious cold brew and know how to serve a real flat white.

7th アヴェニューをグリニッジアヴェニューを超えてすぐのところまで歩いて行きましょう。すべての通りがぶつかりあっている部分にToby’s Estate’s West Village Cafe and Brew Parlor があります。


flat white  エスプレッソにカプチーノやラテよりも少ない量のフォームミルクを加えたもの

TOBY’S ESTATE West Village https://tobysestate.com/about-us/
Best bets: Drip coffee, espresso drinks, or barista’s choice, bags of roasted coffee




After all that coffee, you’re going to need to get a real meal. Just a few blocks away from Toby’s Estate is RED FARM on 529 Hudson Street. They have a few locations around the city and have become very popular for their modern take on Chinese food, particularly dim sum.  URL:  redfarmnyc.com

dim sum  点心、前菜

コーヒーを満喫した後は食事ですね。Toby’s Estate からほんの数ブロックのところ(ハドソンストリート529)にレッドファームがあります。数店舗ありますが、中華料理を現代的にアレンジしたことで、特に点心に人気が高まっています。

It is a little pricey but the food is clean and the menu is something you’re definitely not going to find in Japan. Dumplings that are original and mouth-watering: oxtail dumplings, egg rolls made with pastrami from Katz’s Deli, local scallop and shrimp dumplings.  I’ll just leave it to you to figure out the rest from here! mouth-watering よだれの出そうな   dumpling 団子類、餃子類

oxtail  牛の尾 ( ゼラチン質を含み、シチューやスープに使うことが多い ) 

figure out the rest of one’s life 自分の残りの人生の生き方を見つける[見つけ出す]


When Harry Met Sally ……

Katz’s Delicatessen  ニューヨークで最も古いデリカテッセン。パストラミサンドウィッチが有名。メグ・ライアン、ビリー・クリスタル主演の「恋人たちの予感」にでてきたことでも知られている。

All right. Thank you for listening and taking time to enjoy our podcast. If you like what you hear, hit that ‘Like’ button, shoot us a review, and get subscribed.

Until next time!