Episode 24 ニューヨークのビーガン 復習編 Part 3

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 ☆ 元ビートルズのポールマッカートニーは「お肉を食べない月曜日」を提唱しました。2015年のインタヴューで次のように語っています。「人々に、僕のようなベジタリアンになれと強制しているわけではないんだ。一週間に一回だけ、肉を食べない日をつくるだけで、地球の環境問題緩和に貢献することができる。週一回車を使わないことより、はるかに簡単だろう? 」この動きはNYCでも広まりつつあるようです。 


Welcome to episode 24 of “The New York Breeze” podcast. Today’s topic is Being Vegan in New York. Today we are going to go hunting for meatless meat in NYC.


Ⅵ. The Short List – Vegan Food in NYC

☆Beyond Sushi is a vegan sushi restaurant with like 6 locations in Manhattan, including Herald Square, Union Square, and Chelsea Market. Here are two highlights from their menu: “Mighty Mushroom Roll”—six-grain rice, enoki mushrooms, baked tofu, braised shiitake, and micro arugula with shiitake truffle sauce. And the “Pickle Me Roll”: Four-grain rice, pickled burdock root, carrots, pickled daikon, and avocado dressed with Carrot ginger sauce.

braise 油でいため、弱火で蒸し煮にする micro arugula ルッコラのスプラウト burdock root  ゴボウ(の根)

ビヨンド・スシは、ヘラルド・スクエア、ユニオン・スクエア、チェルシー・マーケットなどマンハッタンに6店舗を構えるビーガン・レストランです。注目のメニューは “Mighty Mushroom Roll”——雑穀米(6種)にエノキダケや焼いた豆腐、蒸し焼きにしたシイタケなどが入っている。“Pickle Me Roll”——雑穀米(4種)にゴボウや大根のピクルス,ニンジン、アボカドそしてニンジンとショウガのドレッシング入り です。

☆By CHLOE is probably the best known of the best vegan restaurants in NYC. They are known for being *bougie, and for serving food free of dairy and animal products, with mostly locally-sourced, *sustainable ingredients.

bougie = ‘bourgeois’ and ‘bourgeoisie’ (ブルジョワ)  dairy  乳製品  locally-sourced  地元産の 


*英語学習者 Ringolorin の質問 ”Do young people use it on social media ? に対する答

Regarding the question, I just remembered a great example to help explain “boujee” / “bougie” and who uses it. Recently the song Old Town Road officially became the most popular single of all time! 

In the original version, the lyrics say, “My life is a movie, bull ridin’ and “boobies,” which is pretty childish, but there’s a radio edit, or clean version, that, in my opinion makes it better by swapping out the word “boobies” with “boojee”. So the lyric becomes:

“My life is a movie, bull ridin’ and boujee”. 

Old Town Road 関連URLです。

Listen to the “clean” version of the hit song “Old Town Road.”

Official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7qovpFAGrQ

Kidz Bop version with “boujee / bougie” https://youtu.be/yYPNrg-s-NI


*Sustainable ingredients について

When talking about sustainable ingredients, it can refer to any of the following issues: 1) limiting global warming   2)protecting biodiversity and ecosystems   3) respecting natural resources and the living world   4) Ensuring fair and sufficient compensation as well as decent working conditions

One thing that did come to mind is this:

The phrase “sustainable ingredients” is too long to put on a label or any marketing material, so often you’ll see various logos and the term “fair trade” and “organic,” which basically cover a lot of those points.

Here’s a guide to all of those logos and symbols that you find on products with some degree of sustainability or environmental stewardship.

☆Two Tablespoons is a popup in Vanderbilt Market and Dekalb Market Hall. Heavy on the chickpeas, quinoa, sweet potatoes, with lots of colors and pizazz, they serve “wholesome vegetarian food”. Their menu is a world fusion of flavors and recipes.  https://www.twotbsp.com/

wholesome 健全な、健康に良い be heavy on ~ ~に重きを置く、~をたっぷり使っている pizazz  活力、華麗さ、派手さ

Two Tablespoonsはヴァンダ―ビルト・マーケットとディカルブ・マーケット・ホールに出店しています。ひよこ豆、キノア、サツマイモをふんだんに使った彩あふれる「健康に良いベジタリアンフード」を提供しています。

Two Tablespoons メニューはこちら

☆Here’s my last mention. Blossom on Ninth Avenue in Chelsea is more high-end, with a lot of attention to detail. Their menu is also world fusion.

high-end   高級な、 最高仕様の


★ I’m all for comfort food and don’t want extravagance when I’m dining out. That’s why Red Bamboo on West 4th Street tops my list as a dad who wants to bring his kids for a down-to-earth meal. Their all day menu features dishes from around the world: From Indian to Jamaican to Cajun and Creole to Mexican to Thai and Korean, and beyond.

https://www.redbamboo-nyc.com/menu —– Red Bamboo メニューはこちら

comfort food  シンプルに準備され、幸福感を与える食物 (◇子どものころに食べたものや甘いものなど,食べるとほっとするもの)extravagance  贅沢     down-to-earth 素朴な、地に足のついた


Red Bamboo メニューはこちら



Bye for now.

And now it’s time to bounce to the vocab. …






food system

social justice issues


https://www.meatlessmonday.com/articles/nyc-expands-meatless-monday-schools/ https://www.meatlessmonday.com/free-resources/health-and-climate/


The blended burger project https://blenditarian.com/