321 ワードル Part 2  Wordle has captured our collective imagination

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Why Wordle became so popular
As we entered the third year of a global pandemic, people really needed a “pleasant little daily brainteaser.” Wordle feels like the early, more innocent days of the internet. Wordle is easy to play but does take some calculated guesswork. A lot of people don’t have the time or patience or even care about crossword puzzles anymore. Wordle helped fill that gap. And since the answer is always a 5-letter word, you don’t need to be a genius at language to find the answer. “The game has done what so few games have done – it has captured our collective imagination and brought us all a little closer together” says Jonathan Knight of New York Times Games    brain teaser 〔パズル・クイズなどの〕頭の体操      capture 捕らえる bring together 呼び集める,まとめる


*Our collective imagination とはーー a set of symbols, customs or memories that have a specific and common meaning for all the people who are part of a community. The collective imagination examines the nature of the creative spirit of societies that delight in invention. It also analyzes how the cultural nuclei of creative societies energize and encourage economic, social and political systems.

What is the collective imagination? | Life Persona

cf. collective impact という言葉もよく使われるようです。NPOや企業、政府などさまざまな団体が一丸となり、特定の社会課題を解決しようとする試み。

Some fans are way too serious about Wordle 真剣になりすぎているワードル・ファンもいる
Fans have become seriously invested in avoiding spoilers in recent months, with Twitter suspending a bot account for spoiling the solution to the next day’s Wordle.
Wordle has fully embedded itself into people’s morning rituals (or for those who are extra keen, become a 12.01am tradition).  ♪ Depending on the word of the day, Twitter sometimes erupts with people condemning the word of the day if it’s too arcane. ♬ Others have complained vociferously about the changeover to being hosted on the New York Times, either for fear of having to pay for this free game, or losing their winning streaks, which actually happened! In February, users were left outraged after their winning streaks were accidentally reset when the game was redirected to the New York Times website.  ここ数か月ファンは真剣にスポイラーを避けるのに時間とエネルギーを費やしてきました。ツィッターは次の日のワードルの答を流すボットアカウントを一時凍結しました。

invest ~に投資する、時間とエネルギーを割く   avoid  spoilers  スポイラー、人の成功 などを妨害 する人を避ける

a bot account ツイートの投稿を自動で行っているアカウント≒ a fake account   depending on ~次第で、~に応じて、~によって

suspend 一時的に中止する embed  組み込む、はめ込む    keen ≒ eager, enthusiastic 熱心な、夢中な  erupt  噴火する、噴出する  condemn  非難する、使用するのに適さないと宣告する、公の場でダメだと伝える to say publicly that you think someone or something is bad or wrong   arcane 一部の人にしか理解できない、難解な   vociferously  大騒ぎして、ワアワア、ヤンヤと

The game remains as popular as ever after blowing up just a few months ago, and remains free to play on the New York Times website, at least for now.  What started as a game for two people has boomed into something played by millions every day.  Now there’s an entire cottage industry around Wordle. Lots of imitators have popped up and you can try past Worldles on sites like yesterdayswordle.com.         If you haven’t already played Wordle, I suggest you try it out. It’s a lot of fun and doesn’t take up much time.

cottage industry  家内産業

Wordle actually helped save a woman who was held captive in her home for hours after an intruder broke in.
Holt’s daughters — who both live on the West Coast, thousands of miles away from their mother’s home — began to notice that something was off. One daughter noticed her mom hadn’t responded to several of her texts. The other became alarmed that her mother failed to text her her score from that day’s Wordle.

“I didn’t send my older daughter a Wordle in the morning. And that was disconcerting to her,” Holt told news channel CBS 2.