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Episode: Ukraine in New York
A messages to our listeners. I stand with Ukraine. I say this from the perspective of a German, Ukrainian, Polish and Russian New Yorker whose ancestors came here before World War I. This podcast has always been about celebrating the richness, the diversity and uplifting aspects of life in New York City. Not a day goes by without seeing news from Ukraine. As Russia has retaken the Crimea and the incursion continues, it reminds me of how much Slavic, Ukrainian and Russian culture one can find in New York City. The influence of Ukrainian and Russian culture on New York City cannot be overstated. This episode will highlight a few neighborhoods and establishments where you can connect with Ukrainian culture. Thanks for listening.
I stand with Ukraine. 私はウクライナを支援する。from the perspective of ~の観点から Not a day goes by without seeing news from Ukraine. ウクライナのニュースを目にしない日はない。uplifting 気持ちを高めさせる、励みになる retake 再び支配する incursion (突然の)侵入、襲撃 a sudden attack into an area that belongs to other people
can’t be overstated どれだけ誇張してもし過ぎることはない(overstate 大げさに述べる)
Q. ” incursion”は「突然に襲撃する」という意味なので、Peal Harborにもよく使われるの?
A. Americans learn about December 7th as “the attack on Peal Harbor.”
Q. メディアはこのプーチンの侵略をどう表現しているの?
For the current situation in Ukraine, a lot of terms are being used by the politicians and media: invasion, incursion, war, violation of national sovereignty, occupation, World War III… Most American media outlets are calling it the “War in Ukraine.” We don’t know what the outcome will be. Whether this is actually World War III or not, remains to be seen. violation of national sovereignty 国家主権の侵害
remains to be seen まだわからない
2. Little Odessa
New York City’s ethnic enclaves such as Little Italy and Chinatown probably get the most tourists. But did you know that New York has been the home to “Little Ukraine” since, well, the early 20th century, and “Little Odessa” since the 1970s? In Brooklyn, the area known as Little Odessa is better known as Brighton Beach. Little Odessa has probably the largest population of Russians in the Western Hemisphere, but the neighborhood is named after a city in Ukraine. This beachside

enclave, was nicknamed “Little Odessa” after Ukraine’s port and resort town on the Black Sea. It’s been a Russian-speaking enclave for decades with immigrants from Russia and post-Soviet countries such as Ukraine. New York City has approximately 600,000 Russian Americans and about 60,000 Ukrainians. enclave 飛び領土、少数民族の居住地 the Western Hemisphere 西半球(南北アメリカ大陸がある部分)cf. the Eastern Hemisphere 東半球 (アジア・ヨーロッパ・アフリカなど)
3. Point of View
I think it’s important to point out that In New York’s ‘Little Odessa,’ Ukrainians see Russians as neighbors, not enemies. “We cannot take Russian composers like Tchaikovsky out of our lives,” says Irina Roizin, a 63-year-old Ukrainian American, worried about unfounded prejudice spreading against Russians, making a point of distinguishing the Russian people from their government. “I don’t want this war to make people angry at Russia the way COVID made a lot of people angry about China.”
Ukrainian flags hang from many businesses, and donation drives in support of Ukrainians have sprung up across the neighborhood and beyond. The Russian American Officers Association, which represents Russian-speaking officers in the New York Police Department, has set up donation boxes in station houses across the city, seeking first-aid kits, gauze, ibuprofen tablets and tourniquets to send to eastern Europe.
unfounded prejudice 根拠のない偏見 make a point of ~ 必ず~する、きまって~する
distinguish the Russian people from their government ロシアの人々をロシア政府と区別する
gauze ガーゼ ibuprofen tablets イブプロフェン錠剤 tourniquet 止血帯
Q. Does ” Little Odessa” remind many Americans( not New Yorkers) of Russia or Ukraine?
People who are familiar with the geography and culture of the region, will know that Odessa is a port city on the Black Sea. Also, it is famous as a beach resort. Probably 9 out of 10 Americans won’t recognize “Odessa” as a place or even a word. There are three towns in America named after Odessa: You have Odessa, Texas, Odessa, Florida, and Odessa, Missouri.