310 ユニバーサルベーシックインカム Part 2

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アメリカのユニバーサルベーシックインカム (UBI) 事情 ---Universal Basic Income is still just a talking point in the United States.

This would help lead to equal opportunities in education and housing especially for marginalized communities. But not everyone agrees. Many Americans see this as an extension of the US Welfare system. The United States has a fraught relationship with Welfare payments. As some people see these payments as what we would call “hand-outs”. That is money not earned but handed out to citizens by the government for doing nothing.  

A lead to B   AはBにつながる marginalized 社会の主流から取り残された、社会的に無視された Not everyone agrees. すべての人が賛成しているわけではない(部分否定) see A as B  ≒ regard A as B    A を Bとみなす   a fraught relationship  緊張をはらんだ関係 

The issue of universal basic income is still very political and polarizing in the United States. The Democrats are mostly for Universal Basic Income and the Republicans are largely against it.  But with President Biden in the White House and Covid still a daily presence in our lives, it’s possible that state by state, basic income could become a reality. 

polarizing  意見が大きく分かれる,〔話題などが〕意見の対立を招く,〔問題などが〕世論を二分する

polar 北極の、南極の polarize  分極化する、対立させる  polarization   分裂、二極化

新聞の英語  a) How to function in an increasingly polarized society  

b) Political leaders’ views on COVID-19 risk are highly infectious in a polarized nation – we see the same with climate change

c) There is an increasing polarization of rich and poor. / There is an increasing polarization between rich and poor.