320 SNSで話題の新しいゲーム Wordle ワードル

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Are you curious about Wordle, the new viral puzzle game taking Twitter by storm? The premise of Wordle is simple—you have to guess a five-letter word in six tries. We’ll show you where to find Wordle on the web, teach you the rules of the game, share your results with friends, and give you all the tips and tricks you’ll need to enjoy the deceptively simple game that’s free — at least for now. The New York Times acquired Wordle from its creator recently. So some of us do worry that it’s gonna go hiding behind the New York Times’s paywall, but until then, it’s free for all!


viral puzzle game ウィルス性の⇒ネットやSNSでバズっているパズルゲーム  take Twitter by storm  ツイッターに旋風を巻き起こす, ツイッターをたちまち魅了する  premise ≒ theory, idea

paywall  有料購読者しかアクセスできないコンテンツを持つウェブサイトの機能。

The story behind Wordle

Created by a Reddit engineer and launched in October 2021. Josh Wardle created the game for his partner who loves puzzles.  Wordle gives players just six guesses to determine a five-letter word that changes every day. The soothing daily puzzle has become a hit since its launch, quickly attracting hundreds of thousands, then millions, of players. Social media posts about its game of the day have become ubiquitous, along with screenshots of the game’s distinctive grid.    Reddit のエンジニアにより作り出され、2021年10月にスタート。ジョシュ・ワードルはパズルが大好きなパートナーのためにWordleをつくりました。ワードルはプレーヤーが5文字の単語を当てるのに6回チャンスを与えてくれます。そして問題は毎日変わるのです。この日々の癒しとなるようなパズルは発売以来人気を博しています。直ぐに何十万もの、今では何百万もの愛好者をつくりだしました。この日々のゲームについてのソーシャル・メディアへの投稿は定着してきています。ゲームの独特のグリッドとともに。

soothing 和らげるような become ubiquitous  定着している distinctive grid  特有のグリッド

*Redditはアメリカ合衆国の掲示板型ソーシャルニュースサイト。ニュース記事、画像のリンクやテキストを投稿し、コメントをつけることが可能。カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに拠点を置くReddit, Inc.が運営する。2021年1月時点の月間利用者数は4億3000万人。欧米ではTwitterユーザー数並び利用時間を超える。

Sold to The New York Times ニューヨークタイムズに売却される

To have a game he created get so popular so fast, seems like a dream come true. At the same time, Mr. Wardle told the Guardian newspaper that he felt overwhelmed by the game’s viral success.  What started as a little gift to his partner who loves spelling bees became a giant beast that he had to keep feeding and paying attention to on a daily basis.


Wardle also released a statement about the sale, assuring players: “When the game moves to the NYT site, it will be free to play for everyone, and I am working with them to make sure your wins and streaks will be preserved.” But the Times statement tells readers that the game — which up until now had been free to play, ad free, and did not require downloading an app — will only “initially” remain free, making no guarantees about how long that will be. At the time of recording, a New York Times games subscription costs $40 for one year. 

your wins and streaks  あなたの連勝記録 cf.  We’re on a winning streak. 連勝中だよ。

You can read the whole conversation on Twitter. The post is titled “An update on Wordle.” I put a link to his Twitter post in the show notes so you can read it for yourself.

ツイッター上の会話はこちらから Read the full conversation on Twitter

Josh Wardle (@powerlanguish) Tweeted:

An update on Wordle 

How to play Wordle ワードルのやり方

You can play Wordle on the web at


There is only one Wordle puzzle per day. 一日一回しかできません。

If you don’t guess the Wordle of the day, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to guess a new 5-letter word. その日の言葉を当てられなかったら、翌日新しい5文字の単語を当てるのを待たなければなりません。

When you land on the site, just start typing any 5-letter word. You will see a 5×6 grid. If you’re playing from a desktop,  when you are ready to make your guess, hit the return or enter key on your keyboard. As soon as you make your first guess, check the tile colors. Letters that are not in the answer will turn gray. Letters that are in the answer but in the wrong place will come up yellow. If any letter turns green in your guess, then that means you found a correct letter in the correct place. Keep guessing. You get 6 tries.  ニューヨークタイムズのサイトにアクセスできたらどんな5文字単語でもよいので打ちこみましょう。エンターキーを押します。枠の中の色をチェックしましょう。その単語に使われていないアルファベット(の枠は)はグレーに変わります。単語の中にあるけれど、位置が違うアルファベットの枠は黄色になります。グリーンになったら正しい場所(その場所)にそのアルファベットがあるということです。考えつづけましょう。6回挑戦できます。

Players are encouraged to share their scores. Win or lose, you can easily share your results to Twitter and other social media or by email.  This ability to share how you did adds that positive social element to the game. 




Josh Wardle on Twitter @powerlanguish



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