303 アメリカの大学のリベラルアーツ教育

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 What are the roots of the Liberal Arts Teaching Method?

In addition, a liberal arts education also takes root in the Socratic Method, named after the famous Greek philosopher Socrates. Socrates used a unique method of teaching in a question and dialogue format that challenged students to support their arguments and to stimulate critical thinking. In modern liberal arts colleges today, liberal arts colleges typically employ the Socratic teaching method which emphasizes discussion and feedback. Like Socrates who encouraged debate amongst his students, the faculty’s role in a modern liberal arts institution is to engage students in this creative process and encourage interaction and debate. This style of teaching is very different from large public universities which primarily engage in passive learning through lecture.

emphasize  強調する、重視する  faculty  学部、大学の教職員   passive learning  受動的学習   engage O  in ~  Oを~に従事させる、参加させる


a. I know that I know nothing.   B. True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing.

C.  To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge. ( 孔子——Confucius)

History of a Liberal Arts Education | Liberal Arts College Review

Q. In the U.S. when did the term “ liberal arts “ become popular ?  ( In Japan several years ago. )

I’m not exactly sure when liberal arts programs became popular, but they have existed as the driving force behind American schools since the 19th century. If you say the phrase a ‘liberal arts education,’ then I think we’re talking about the difference between majoring in the humanities versus the applied sciences. I also tend to think of liberal arts as the domain of a college where students want a well-rounded education. And at universities the focus is more on research at a larger institution.

driving force  behind ~  ~を支える原動力、推進力

例文1  Climate change is believed to be the driving force behind extreme weather.  気候変動が異常気象を引き起こしていると信じられている。

  *It’s worth noting that while climate change and global warming are often used interchangeably, global warming—the recent rise in the global average temperature near the earth’s surface—is just one aspect of climate change.

例文2 Although most people credited the CEO as the driving force behind the company, it was actually the CFO. CEO(Chief Executive  Officer )  最高経営責任者  CFO ( Chief Financial Officer ) 最高財務責任者

the humanities 人文科学、人文学、文系科目  the applied sciences  応用科学   a well-rounded education  広く調和のとれた教育

undergraduate 大学(の)、学部学生(の) ⇦⇒ graduate  大学院の

You will find some universities have colleges of liberal arts for their undergraduate studies. Such as at Columbia University, where you have both the women’s college at Barnard and Columbia College which is co-ed.    co-ed 、co-education 男女共学

*Barnard College   1983年以降は、コロンビア大学付属の女子大学であり、学生にはバーナード・カレッジとコロンビア大学の両方の学長の署名入りの卒業証書が授与される。  Seven Sisters (かつてアメリカ合衆国北東部の名門女子大学7校の総称であった) に属している。



Q. I heard Columbia University has good liberal arts curriculum. Is it famous in the U.S. as well ?

Yes, Columbia’s undergraduate program at Columbia College is considered one of the best and it’s a feeder to its grad school programs.

Columbia is a university, and is maybe not the first place we’d think of when someone says “liberal arts” because Columbia is so famous for its research programs and graduate schools.   The term “liberal arts” is more synonymous with colleges.  There are a lot of highly selective liberal arts colleges. And these will more likely come to mind instead of the big name Ivy League universities like Columbia, Harvard and Yale.  Colleges that are the most famous for their liberal arts programs are places like: Davidson, Pomona, Middlebury, Reed, Smith, Vassar, and Williams.

grad school, graduate school  大学院  synonymous 同義語の n. synonym    

*Ivy League  アメリカ合衆国北東部にある8つの私立大学の総称。構成大学はブラウン大学、コロンビア大学、コーネル大学、ダートマス大学、ハーバード大学、ペンシルベニア大学、プリンストン大学、イェール大学。
