総復習 Black Lives Matter VS Blue Lives Matter

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New York is a small city with 8 million people and a lot of problems- homelessness, drugs, the traffic/transit system, violent crime, housing prices, racial issues (black lives matter vs blue lives matter). The specific problem with DeBlasio is he lacks charisma and also just doesn’t seem like he cares about us.  He has an antagonistic relationship with the press and by supporting Black Lives Matter (which is great!) but this makes the Blue Lives Matters’ folks (which are the police) dislike him and not support him, his policies or anything he does. And this is huge because in a city like New York, it’s really important to have a support of the police.  

antagonistic  反対の,敵対する    ”Blue Lives Matter” 「警察官の命も大切だ」

As a New Yorker, I really don’t know much about DeBlasio, which is part of the problem.  He has stuck to all his campaign issues and his promises and,  but he just doesn’t seem to care about us. We know nothing about him and he knows nothing about us.


  New York City passed the option to use ranked-choice voting in a 2019 referendum.

♪ Ranked-choice balloting involves a complicated series of calculations.♪ 

Tree Lives Matter  樹木の生命が重要なのです。
Let’s change gears to talk about the ecological benefits of trees. We know that trees improve the environment and the health of a city in measurable ways. Trees can capture storm water runoff, reduce energy costs, and make the air less polluted and easier to breathe.
Trees’ lives matter to our health and economy .木の生命が私たちの健康と経済にどんなに大切であるかがわかりますね。


 Vision Zero “Your choices behind the wheel matter.” ビジョンゼロ「運転しているあなたの選択が重要なのです。」 matter v. 問題である、重要である       behind the wheel  ハンドルの後ろにいるーーー車を運転している
Our current Mayor is Bill DiBlasio. He’s from Brooklyn and one of his most famous initiatives so far has been “Vision Zero.” There’s a popular phrase I notice that’s used a lot when talking about bikes in the city. The Mayor has made safer streets a priority for his administration, and Vision Zero is supposed to induce “traffic calming.” This is where bikes are intentionally sharing the road, in an attempt to encourage motorists to slow down, keep to the speed limit and follow traffic rules. It works !

traffic calming 交通静穏化 住環境保全や交通安全のために自動車交通を抑制する取り組み
現在の市長はBill DiBlasio です。ブルックリン出身でこれまでのところ彼の取り組みで有名なものはビジョンゼロです。市の自転車が話題になったとき、多用される人気のあるフレーズがあります。市長はより安全な道路を目指すことを施政の最優先事項としていて、ビジョンゼロが自動車交通を抑制することにつながると考えているのです。自動車と自転車が意図的に道路を共有するのです。自動車運転者がスピードを落とすよう促し、スピード制限を守り、交通規則に従うことをねらいとしています。効果があらわれています!