307 マスク コンプライアンス と国家と個人の正義

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1) Maribeth のニューヨーク情報 みんなマスク着用に素直に従っている。
 We are slowly getting back to “normal” here in NYC. We have high vaccination rates in the city and most people have been compliant with mask wearing and rapid testing, so fingers crossed we will ease back to pre-Covid times.
How are things where you are?

 be compliant with ~に服従する、~のいいなりになっている  ease n. 安息 v. 和らげる、ゆっくり進む

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed. 成功を祈ります。 ここニューヨーク市はゆっくりと「普通」に戻りつつあります。ワクチン接種率は高くほとんどの人がマスク着用と(必要な場合の検査キットによる)迅速な検査に素直に従っています。コロナ以前の状態にゆっくりとでも戻ることを祈っているのです。あなたのいる場所はどう?

2) 先人に学ぶ プラトンの国家 Book4  

Republic の定義

First off, let’s take a minute to define the word “republic. “ When it’s spelled with a lower-case ‘r’ , a republic is  a state in which the power rests in its citizens who are entitled to vote. Also, a republic is a state where the head of government is not a monarch like a king or queen. In Plato’s philosophy, Republic with a capital ‘R’. is all about the philosophical dialogue by Plato in his day (4th century B.C. BTW) and discussing the structure of the ideal state.  

 lower-case 小文字の  be entitled to ~する権利がある 


But now let us work out the inquiry in which we supposed that, if we found some larger thing that contained justice and viewed it there, we should more easily discover its nature in the individual man. [434e] And we agreed that this larger thing is the city, and so we constructed the best city in our power, well knowing that in the good city it would of course be found. 私たちの考えた質疑を終わりまですすめよう。より大きなものに正義が含まれているなら、より容易く個人の中にも正義を見つけることができる。このより大きなものというのがcityで我々は良いcityのなかに正義が見つけられると知っていたから、最良のcityをつくってきた。 inquiry  質疑

What, then, we thought we saw there we must refer back to the individual and, if it is confirmed, all will be well. But if something different manifests itself in the individual, we will return again [435a] to the state and test it there and it may be that, by examining them side by side and rubbing them against one another, as it were from the fire-sticks we may cause the spark of justice to flash forth,169 and when it is thus revealed confirm it in our own minds.” 

“Well,” he said, “that seems a sound method170 and that is what we must do.”


“Then,” said I, “if you call a thing by the same171 name whether it is big or little, is it unlike in the way in which it is called the same or like?”


“Like,” he said.