308 ゴーストキッチンとお父さん体型

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7 (New) Fun Words
1. air fryer
2. ghost kitchen 関連語 cloud kitchen, or dark kitchen
3. digital nomad 関連語  WFH: work from home
4. super-spreader
5. zero-day
6. copypasta
7. dad bod
The publishers over at Merriam-Webster recently announced that it has officially added 455 new words to the dictionary. The new words are grouped into categories for online culture and communications, the coronavirus, tech and science, pop culture, medicine, and food. Just as the language never stops evolving, the dictionary never stops expanding. New terms and new uses for existing terms constantly emerge in a living language, and this latest list brings together both new and likely familiar words that have shown extensive and established use.  新しい言葉はオンラインカルチャー、コミュニケーション、コロナウィルス、テクノロジーと科学、ポップカルチャー、医学そして食物にグループ分けされます。言葉が進化を止めないので、辞書はどんどん厚くなっていきます。新しい用語と、もともと存在する用語の新しい使い方は言葉において絶えず現れるのであって、この最新のリストは新しい語、そしてなじみがある語の広く確立された使い方を一緒にしたものです。
bring together · 〔物と物を〕くっつける、一つにする
Words About Food
Many new food terms come from the cuisines of cultures that speak a language other than English, but these words indicate new ways of cooking and organizing food preparation.
air fryer : an airtight, usually small electrical appliance for quick cooking of foods by means of convection currents circulated rapidly by a fan.
ghost kitchen : a commercial cooking facility used for the preparation of food consumed off the premises — called also cloud kitchen, or dark kitchen.
Here are some examples:
“Ghost grocery”: The Cincinnati-based supermarket chain Kroger wants to lead the e-grocery trend with robots, not stores.
Last year, Kroger debuted two “ghost kitchens,” or delivery-only restaurants. Kroger is going all out on “ghost grocery”.
Words from Online Culture and Communication
We’ve been communicating online for decades now, and pandemic-related circumstances have only increased the practice. The quick and informal nature of messaging, texting, and tweeting has contributed to a vocabulary newly rich in efficient and abbreviated expression.
digital nomad : someone who performs their occupation entirely over the Internet while traveling; especially people who work in IT-related jobs. Such a person who has no permanent fixed home address.
WFH: work from home
a job where the worker doesn’t need to go to an office.
Coronavirus Words
As we all know, the pandemic story isn’t over, and neither is the need for more vocabulary to describe the policy and research developments connected to COVID-19.
super-spreader : an event or location at which a significant number of people contract the same communicable disease — often used before another noun (as in a “super-spreader event”). The term super-spreader originally referred to a highly contagious person capable of passing on a disease to many others, and now can also refer to a single place or occasion where many others are infected.
Words from Tech and Science
We have arrived at the stage in digital technology when we require words for the decay of files, opportunistic attacks on computer programs, super shortcuts, and massive quantities of data storage.
  1. zero-day : a vulnerability in a software or a computer system that is discovered and exploited by hackers before it is known to the maker of the software or its company.
  2. copypasta : data (such as a block of text) that has been copied and spread widely online. Copypasta can be a lighthearted meme or it can have a more serious intent, with a political or cultural message.

meme ミームとは 遺伝子によらず、模倣によって人から人へと伝えらえる情報の単位。

The definition is broad and conceptual:A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture and often carries symbolic meaning representing a particular phenomenon or theme

The Sub-Reddit #WallStreetBets gave rise to the investing phenomenon of meme stocks.

Rickrolling is a prank and is also an early internet meme that still could happen to anyone.

インターネットミームは、SNS、動画サイト、チャットなど、インターネットを通じて模倣され、爆発的に広がっていく情報。次のサイトがわかりやすいと思います。https://knowyourmeme.com/ (If you don’t know or understand a certain meme, then this website can be very helpful. )

Words from Pop Culture
Fan culture, enduring slang terms, and fashions that may come and go while leaving terms that live on in references: these are just some of the ways that words that aren’t used in news coverage or scientific journals make their way into the dictionary.
  1. dad bod: a physique regarded as typical of an average father; especially : one that is slightly overweight and not extremely muscular.