Welcome to Episode Number 9 of the “New York Breeze” the podcast where you can listen in English and Japanese about life in New York City in easy to digest one-minute soundbites. I’m Chris in New York and my cohost in Japan is Shoko.
Close your eyes and you will hear the sounds of dry leaves on branches rustling in the wind or rakes at work gathering fallen leaves. Open your eyes and cast your attention upwards and you will see the bright yellows, fiery reds, ruddy browns, and festive oranges as the leaves change color in Central Park. Autumn ushers in a ton of fun things to do with cooler weather and against a backdrop of stunning seasonal colors. Today’s episode is all about fall foliage in Central Park!
usher in —-案内して通す、到来を告げる
II. Autumn is my favorite time of year in New York City. The cool, brisk air feels and smells fresher. It’s the best weather for walking the city. Before we talk about where to find fall foliage in Central Park, getting to know your fall foliage colors is important.
brisk 活発な きびきびとした
All over New York State you will discover these common trees: the maple, oak, hickory and tulip.
• Maple Trees: their red, orange, and yellow leaves epitomize “fall colors.” For me growing up as a kid in New York, maple trees defined my memories of fall. Like jumping in leaf piles.
epitomize ~の典型となる、~の良い例となる
• White Oak Trees: the leaves develop a purple hue when they turn
• Tulip Trees and Hickory Trees: their leaves turn yellow in October and November.
Altogether they form a chorus of color. And I’m excited to share some of my favorite places in Central Park to revel in nature’s autumn opus.
revel in ~を非常に喜ぶ、大いに楽しむ opus ある作曲家の一連の作品
III. One of my favorite places to see a colorful fall foliage display in Central Park is the famous wide pedestrian pathway we call the Mall. It forms the Park’s only intentional straight line. There is a cathedral-like canopy of American elm trees that cover the Mall. At this time of year, that canopy becomes bright yellow.
Trees you’ll see: One of the largest and last remaining stands of American elm trees in North America. This archway of trees and their bright yellow leaves makes a stunning backdrop for taking a photo for a special occasion or a quick seasonal selfie.
last remaining ~ 最後まで残った~
IV. The very old cast-iron Bow Bridge is a magical spot to take in the fall foliage in Central Park. Its Classical Greek style has been featured in numerous films. This iconic bridge is found in The Ramble (a wooded area we introduced in very our first episode). It is here, in the depths of the park, far from the city’s endless soundtrack, that the best fall foliage in the city is found.
cast-iron 鋳鉄(鋳鉄)製の
非常に古い鋳鉄製のボウブリッジはセントラルパークの紅葉を享受するのに魅力的な場所です。古典的なギリシア様式の橋は数えきれないほど多くの映画にも登場しています。この人気の橋はランブルにあります。(このポッドキャストの記念すべき第1回でご紹介した木が生茂った場所です。)街の中の最高の紅葉が見られるのは 公園の奥深く、絶え間ない街の騒音から離れたこの場所なのです。
Trees you’ll see: Here you’ll see black tupelo, serviceberry, London plane, and some more American elm trees.
V. Check out the North Meadow and the Reservoirノースメドウとレザボアにも注目
Surrounding the playing fields of the North Meadow each fall are the colorful leaves of the hickory, maple, and dogwood. From here, it’s a short walk to the Reservoir. Take a walk on the bridle path surrounding the Reservoir to catch all the colors.
bridle path 乗馬道 《車は通れない》.
dogwood ハナミズキ◇米国ノースカロライナ州の州花
Trees you’ll see: On both sides of the Reservoir, you’ll find cherry trees very similar to those in Japan. On the west side we have kwanzan cherry trees which turn bronze and red in the fall. On the east side, you’ll find the yoshino cherry tree, which turns yellow in autumn.
VI. Tree Lives Matter 樹木の生命が重要なのです。
Let’s change gears to talk about the ecological benefits of trees. We know that trees improve the environment and the health of a city in measurable ways. Trees can capture storm water runoff, reduce energy costs, and make the air less polluted and easier to breathe.
Let’s do the numbers. Benefits are calculated using formulas from the U.S. Forest Service.
Carbon dioxide reduced each year
615,067 tons
Value: $4,108,619
Air pollutants removed each year
635 tons
Value: $6,640,379
Stormwater intercepted each year
1,086,056,228 gallons
Value: $10,751,951
Energy conserved each year
666,670,643 kWh
Value: $84,163,757
And there you have it. Trees’ lives matter to our health and economy.
Thank you for listening to the New York Breeze Podcast episode #9 “Autumn in Central Park.” We hope you enjoyed these highlights and we are rounding out today’s episode about another interesting tree-related service.
round out ——-締めくくる 〔数値を〕切り上げる
Thousands of volunteers helped gather data for TreesCount! 2015, our citywide tree census and created the New York City Street Tree Map. For the first time, you have access to information about every street tree in New York City.
I’ll put the links in the description section of our podcast so you can check it out.
census 人口国勢調査、 個体数調査、全数調査
何千人ものボランティアがニューヨーク市全体の全樹木調査である、TreesCount! 2015 のためにデータを集め、ニューヨーク街路樹マップを作成しました。初めて、ニューヨーク市の全ての街路樹についての情報にアクセスできるようになったのです。下にリンクがあるのでチェックしてみてください。
I’ll put the links in the description section of our podcast so you can check it out.
Thanks again. Peace!