Episode 24 Being Vegan in New York. (ニューヨークのビーガン )

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 ☆ 元ビートルズのポールマッカートニーは「お肉を食べない月曜日」を提唱しました。2015年のインタヴューで次のように語っています。「人々に、僕のようなベジタリアンになれと強制しているわけではないんだ。一週間に一回だけ、肉を食べない日をつくるだけで、地球の環境問題緩和に貢献することができる。週一回車を使わないことより、はるかに簡単だろう? 」この動きはNYCでも広まりつつあるようです。 


Welcome to episode 24 of “The New York Breeze” podcast. Today’s topic is Being Vegan in New York. Today we are going to go hunting for meatless meat in NYC.


Ⅱ.  Going Mainstream: NYC Public Schools Add Meatless Mondays ニューヨークの公立学校がミートレスマンデイを導入

Just to show you how mainstream vegetarianism and being vegan have become, I think I’ll start off with an announcement from the Mayor’s Office: Meatless Monday will be part of New York City’s “Free School Lunch for All” program. It provides free healthy breakfast and lunch to all students. By September 2019, 1.1million students will curb their meat intake every week on Mondays.


☆ Shoko ” Which do you commonly say, ” It’s an adjective.” or ” It’s adjective.”  ? に対する答 ⇒  Im wondering why this is a question. ( どうしてこれが質問なのかな。) The latter, Its adjective is ungrammatical. (  “It’s adjective” のほうは文法にあっていない。)You need to put the article an before the word adjective. (  “adjective”の前に冠詞”an”を置く必要がある。)So its hard to imagine someone actually saying Its adjective.  (実際に誰かが “It’s adjective.”と言うのを想像するのは難しい。) You could correct it easily by adding the an before adjective ( 形容詞として使っている語の前に an をつけることで簡単に正しい名詞に訂正できるよ。),which tends to blend into the target words when were talking. (でも、この “an”は 会話ではターゲットワード[この場合は“adjective”]に溶け込むように発音されがちなんだ。) Probably the person said an adjective but said it like this: Its an adjective.  (おそらくこのように ---♪音声を聞いてね♪ )

Its an adjective. CORRECT. (正しい)

Its adjective. NOT CORRECT. (正しくない)

the latter  後者、後に言ったもの ←→ the former  adjective  形容詞  hard to imagine  想像しがたい imagine  O  ~ ing  O が~するのを想像する correct  訂正する、直す、最後に使われている correctは 正しい の意味です。 add  付け足す  tend to ~  ~しがちである、~する傾向にある   blend into ~  ~に溶け込む、~に混ざる

go mainstream 主流になる、一般化する    start off with ~ = begin with ~  ~で始める  “To start off with” and  “To begin with” both mean the same thing to me.

provide [  物など ] to/for  [ 人など]cf.  provide [ 人など]  with  [ 物など]     人にものを供給する    

curb …を制限[抑制]する curb their meat intake = cut back on meat intake  肉の摂取を抑える

 ☆We often use the verb “curb” with appetite. You could also say “limit” or “cut back” as in “cut back on red meat”.

One of the easiest ways to do good by the environment is to eat less meat. *Eating less meat cuts greenhouse gas emissions and reduces water and land use. Meatless Monday is a global movement encouraging everyone to cut out meat one day a week, for personal and environmental health.



III.      What is the Impossible Burger 2.0?  インポッシブル・バーガー2.0とは何か?

Impossible Foods Company started with a simple question. “What makes meat taste like meat?” Then they took everything we know and love about meat, and made it even better – using plants. The first iteration of the Impossible Burger was good, but to me it had a slushy texture and was oily. In January 2019, Impossible Burger 2.0 came out. This next generation of plant-based burgers has a richer, beefier taste. They made it gluten-free by replacing the wheat in the burger patty with soy protein. In terms of nutrition, it has more iron and protein — about the same as beef.

*インポッシブル・フーズは、カリフォルニア州レッドウッドシティに本部を置く植物由来の人工肉や乳製品を製造・開発するアメリカ合衆国の食品テクノロジー企業 (出典ウィキペディア)

iteration 繰り返し first interation = the first time or version

slushy 半解け雪でぬかるんだ cf. muddy and slushy road  どろどろでぬかるんだ道 texture 食感     replace A with B   AをBで置き換える  In terms of ~ ~の点では ~の観点から見ると

[ここの英語音声はありません。] ☆なぜ2.0 を ” two point zero ” ではなく ” two point oh ” と発音するのか。 ⇒ We say two point oh for versions of things.  ( 2.0 はバージョンアップしたもの、進化版に使う。)The Impossible Burger is trying to be a tech company. (インポッシブルバーガーはテクノロジー製品っぽい名前にしたのだ。)When we say decimals in reference to versions of software the zero is pronounced oh.  ( ソフトウエア関係の用語では進化版をあらわすときの小数は「ゼロ」ではなく「オウ」と発音される。)  decimal  小数

☆iteration —–  We definitely  use “iteration” as another word for “version.”  The original meaning of “iteration” meant to repeat something. By the early 2000s “iteration” came to be used to talk about software development, TV series, and music, like in the following example sentences:  ( 間違いなく、” Iteration ” は ” version ” の言い換えだ。もともとの意味は何かを繰り返すことだ。2000年代初めの頃までに、ソフトウエアの改訂、テレビシリーズ、音楽について使われるようになった。次の例文のように。)definitely  間違いなく、確かに

☆ iteration を使った例文

☆Impossible Burger started to reach a lot of people for the first time in 2020, so nobody knows how bad the first iteration tasted. インポッシブルバーガーが多くの人に知られるようになったのは2020年になってからなので、最初のバージョンがどんなにひどい味だったのか誰も知らない。

☆Steve Aoki dropped his first iteration of the “Neon Future” collaborations back in 2014. スティーブ青木は2014年にアルバム’ Neon Future ‘ の最初のバージョンを出した。


☆During the early years of The Simpsons, the first iterationof Bart’s character was less of a daredevil and more wimpy; Homer was’t so dumb and careless either. 初期のシンプソンでは、バートはむこうみずというよりへたれだったし、ホーマーもそんなに間抜けではなかった。 daredevil むこうみず   wimpy 弱虫 dumb 間抜けな、頭の悪い  careless  不注意な、間抜けな



Impossible sandwich



☆ コロナ過でのスクールランチは? Meat prices have surged since Covid broke the food supply chain back in April. Whereas dairy is in oversupply. Schools in New York City have been serving breakfast and lunch via pickup locations. They tend to serve the same thing every day: some kind of ham and cheese sandwich, a yogurt pack, grilled cheese, chocolate milk and an apple.   surge  急騰する、激しく変動する  food supply chain. 食品の生産者から、加工業者や卸業者、小売店、消費者へと、食品が届くための一連の流れ  dairy  乳製品


Ⅳ. What is the Beyond Burger?   ビヨンド・バーガーとは何か?

The Beyond Burger is also a plant-based burger that is made to resemble red meat. Its ingredients include all-natural seasonings and proteins from vegetables like pea and soy,  and its special ingredient is beet juice…so it “bleeds” like a real burger.

resemble~ ~に似ている  ingredient 材料  

Red meat means any meat that is dark-colored before cooking. So were talking about beef, lamb, or venison.  レッドミートは調理前に色が赤い(濃い)肉 --- 牛肉、子羊の肉、鹿肉など。

We also say white meat for chicken, turkey or veal. A common example is when serving turkey and the host or the chef offers guests white or dark meat. ホワイトミートは鶏肉、七面鳥、子牛の肉など。” white or dark meat” は サンクスギビング ( Thanksgiving) のディナーの席でよく聞かれる言葉なのですね。


To me, beets are a signature ingredient in Eastern European and Russian cooking. Beets are used in various stews and dishes. Beets are full of nutrients and can be juiced too. It depends on the family and their food preferences. Chances are a lot of people are juicing beets, but you can use them in salads too. They taste great in a salad made with spinach leaves, walnuts and blue cheese. 

signature  特徴的な  The United States’ signature food of each state (アメリカ各州の代表的な食べ物)

According to Beyond Meat, their burgers are made with 100% plant-protein.  They use a proprietary heating-cooling-pressure process. Hard to picture it, I know. As a result, this produces the taste and texture of meat without the cow.  proprietary 専売特許の 

Proprietary” is a word that you often come across in the contexts of software development and the laws on property and ownership. 

To understand this word better, I suggest you look it up in the dictionary.

One easy way to understand proprietary is this. Proprietary is the opposite of open source. 




Ⅴ. Beyond Burger vs. Impossible Burger

I headed to my neighborhood Bareburger for a taste-test. I’ve been wanting to compare the Beyond Burger and Impossible Burger 2.0…  Bareburger seemed perfect for this. I found they have more than a dozen different veggie-burgers to choose from. So I asked the waiter, and went with their two most popular. (Check out the photos I uploaded.)  go with ~  ~を受け入れる、 ~を選ぶ


Both plant-based burgers had [a] good texture and chew. However, the Beyond Burger was noticeably smaller. The Impossible Burger 2.0 has a texture and flavor almost identical to a beef burger — just less greasy.

noticeably  目に見えて、著しく

be identical to  ~  ~と同一である 


When it came to the Beyond Burger, the color of the Beyond Burger did not look fully cooked, even though it was. In contrast, the Impossible Burger looked like a perfectly grilled burger. The chew of the Beyond Burger was more like biting into corn-on-the-cob or honeycomb. It wasn’t bad. Hands down, I’ll be back for the Impossible Burger.

corn on the cob  芯についたトウモロコシ honeycomb ハチの巣    hands down 明らかに、疑いなく


Ⅵ. The Short List – Vegan Food in NYC

☆Beyond Sushi is a vegan sushi restaurant with like 6 locations in Manhattan, including Herald Square, Union Square, and Chelsea Market. Here are two highlights from their menu: “Mighty Mushroom Roll”—six-grain rice, enoki mushrooms, baked tofu, braised shiitake, and micro arugula with shiitake truffle sauce. And the “Pickle Me Roll”: Four-grain rice, pickled burdock root, carrots, pickled daikon, and avocado dressed with Carrot ginger sauce.

braise 油でいため、弱火で蒸し煮にする arugula ルッコラ burdock root  ゴボウ

ビヨンド・スシは、ヘラルド・スクエア、ユニオン・スクエア、チェルシー・マーケットなどマンハッタンに6店舗を構えるビーガン・レストランです。注目のメニューは “Mighty Mushroom Roll”——雑穀米(6種)にエノキダケや焼いた豆腐、蒸し焼きにしたシイタケなどが入っている。“Pickle Me Roll”——雑穀米(4種)にゴボウや大根のピクルス,ニンジン、アボカドそしてニンジンとショウガのドレッシング入り です。

☆By CHLOE is probably the best known of the best vegan restaurants in NYC. They are known for being bougie, and for serving food free of dairy and animal products, with mostly locally-sourced, sustainable ingredients.

bougie = ‘bourgeois’ and ‘bourgeoisie’ (ブルジョワ)  dairy  乳製品  locally-sourced  地元産の 


Regarding the question, I just remembered a great example to help explain “boujee” / “bougie” and who uses it. Recently the song Old Town Road officially became the most popular single of all time! 

In the original version, the lyrics say, “My life is a movie, bull ridin’ and “boobies,” which is pretty childish, but there’s a radio edit, or clean version, that, in my opinion makes it better by swapping out the word “boobies” with “boojee”. So the lyric becomes:

“My life is a movie, bull ridin’ and boujee”. 

Old Town Road 関連URLです。

Listen to the “clean” version of the hit song “Old Town Road.”

Official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7qovpFAGrQ

Kidz Bop version with “boujee / bougie” https://youtu.be/yYPNrg-s-NI

When talking about sustainable ingredients, it can refer to any of the following issues: 1) limiting global warming   2)protecting biodiversity and ecosystems   3) respecting natural resources and the living world   4) Ensuring fair and sufficient compensation as well as decent working conditions

One thing that did come to mind is this:

The phrase “sustainable ingredients” is too long to put on a label or any marketing material, so often you’ll see various logos and the term “fair trade” and “organic,” which basically cover a lot of those points.

Here’s a guide to all of those logos and symbols that you find on products with some degree of sustainability or environmental stewardship.

☆Two Tablespoons is a popup in Vanderbilt Market and Dekalb Market Hall. Heavy on the chickpeas, quinoa, sweet potatoes, with lots of colors and pizazz, they serve “wholesome vegetarian food”. Their menu is a world fusion of flavors and recipes.  https://www.twotbsp.com/

wholesome 健全な、健康に良い be heavy on ~ ~に重きを置く、~をたっぷり使っている pizazz  活力、華麗さ、派手さ

Two Tablespoonsはヴァンダ―ビルト・マーケットとディカルブ・マーケット・ホールに出店しています。ひよこ豆、キノア、サツマイモをふんだんに使った彩あふれる「健康に良いベジタリアンフード」を提供しています。

Two Tablespoons メニューはこちら

☆Here’s my last mention. Blossom on Ninth Avenue in Chelsea is more high-end, with a lot of attention to detail. Their menu is also world fusion. They opened another location on Columbus Avenue on the Upper West Side.

high-end   高級な、 最高仕様の


★ I’m all for comfort food and don’t want extravagance when I’m dining out. That’s why Red Bamboo on West 4th Street tops my list as a dad who wants to bring his kids for a down-to-earth meal. Their all day menu features dishes from around the world: From Indian to Jamaican to Cajun and Creole to Mexican to Thai and Korean, and beyond.

https://www.redbamboo-nyc.com/menu —– Red Bamboo メニューはこちら

comfort food  シンプルに準備され、幸福感を与える食物 (◇子どものころに食べたものや甘いものなど,食べるとほっとするもの)extravagance  贅沢     down-to-earth 素朴な、地に足のついた


Red Bamboo メニューはこちら



Bye for now.

And now it’s time to bounce to the vocab. …






food system

social justice issues


https://www.meatlessmonday.com/articles/nyc-expands-meatless-monday-schools/ https://www.meatlessmonday.com/free-resources/health-and-climate/


The blended burger project https://blenditarian.com/

